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Why You Need a Detail & Level Survey Before Construction 

Have you come into a new piece of land and are in the process of planning a new construction project? Well, congratulations, it must be an incredibly exciting time for you. There is the prospect of a great project on the horizon! Whether it be a personal, residential project, or if you’re looking to build several properties to flip for profit, you’ve got a long journey ahead of you! One that will be filled with all manner of emotions. Joy, elation, anticipation, anxiety, worry, frustration, relief…the list goes on. One thing is for certain though: there are things that you can do to make life easier, and to significantly reduce the amount of stress that you experience throughout the process. Having a detail & level survey carried out before going any further, is one of them.

What is a detail & level survey?

In a nutshell: it’s the lay of the land—a detail & level survey is the process of mapping out an entire plot, paying close attention to every topographical detail, and then compiling it into a useful and informative set of documents.

Why bother?

It’s a good question. Surely, it’s easy enough to pick a good-looking spot and to crack on with a construction project? In an ideal world, yes. However, unfortunately, it’s not as simple as that. There are many factors that must be considered prior to construction, from environmental, spatial, and structural.

Identify the best use of the land

By having one of these detailed surveys carried out, you will be able to best determine what the plot of land can be used for. For example, if the ground is terribly uneven and surrounded by hillside, it’s going to be difficult to build on. This is because, levelling the plot out will require a significant amount of work; after which, it’s still going to be prone to flooding due to the basin-like qualities of the land. Are there any protected trees on the property? Will they hinder the progress of your construction project? Are there any troublesome rocks that will prove difficult to remove? These are just a handful of the reasons to get a detail & level survey sorted.

Planning permission

In most cases, you will need to provide your local council with a detail & level survey in order to acquire planning permission. That, and a truckload of other information will be required! So, you’ll want to make life easier for yourself by going ahead and preparing as much of that information as possible. That way, you can breeze your way through the planning permission process and get started at the earliest possible time. You don’t want to spend months on this, believe us!

Hire the professionals

By hiring the professionals to carry out this survey, for example: V-Mark Survey; you’ll be taking full advantage of their expertise. A reputable and reliable company like them will not only have all of the required equipment, but they can often provide you will invaluable advice when moving forward with your project, based on years of experience. It’s certainly something to consider! In any case, we wish you the best of luck with your endeavour!

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